Have you used eZe-Talk Webmail?

eZe-Talk Email and Webmail

eZe Talk Email and Webmail

What is eZeTalk Webmail?

eZeTalk webmail works like Hotmail, GMail and Yahoo Mail. All you need is the address and an internet connection and you can check your emails on the go that go to your talknsurf email address!

If you are using the email addresses that come with “ezetalk-and-surf” or “eze-talk-n-surf” service, you can access them via the web mail portal wherever you have an internet connection without having to configure a mail service on your phone – you simply need to get to the webmail portal.

If you are a talk-and-surf customer:   Your interface is at http://webmail.eze-talkandsurf.co.uk

If you are a talk-n-surf customer      :   Your interface is at http://webmail.eze-talknsurf.co.uk

We will be publishing some helpful tips for eZeTalk webmail/email shortly so please keep your eyes out for them!

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